CLIENT: Vitals SmartShopper
SITUATION: Vitals SmartShopper is revolutionary and, at first glance, a complicated product that saves money for consumers, employers and health plans. When consumer users are prescribed a healthcare service, exam or procedure, rather than visiting the physician-referred provider, they visit the SmartShopper website and conduct a search. SmartShopper then provides a report of the physicians/facilities that perform the service, location, price of that service, quality ratings and consumer reviews. When users choose a lower-cost provider, they receive a payment from $200-$1200 from Vitals. On average, for every $1 users get paid, health plans save $8.
PROJECT: Vitals exhibited at trade shows attended by health plans, employers, and human resource professionals. Because attendees were unfamiliar with the product, it was important for Vimarc to quickly explain what the product was – without using healthcare/technical jargon that made people scratch their head.
CREATIVE SOLUTION: Vimarc created the trade show booth and materials to introduce a simple and relevant metaphor by comparing “shopping for healthcare” to “shopping for jeans.” The message of the booth and its accessories and materials raised the question:
What would happen if people started shopping for healthcare the way they shop for jeans – by comparing prices?
RESULTS: Vimarc designed the booth to resemble a clothing store. As attendees passed by, they were instantly intrigued as the booth’s images and display were far different than any other booth at the show. Most attendees were curious enough to spend a moment at the booth and either figure it out for themselves or start a conversation with a Vitals representative.
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